Students HUE Scholarships

HUE Scholarships

High priority is given for student’s scholarships and financial aid since HUE is keen to attract the outstanding students regardless their socio- economic status. These scholarships are available for the following cases:

  1. Students with disabilities.
  2. Sons and daughters of martyrs and injured.
  3. Students who are unable to meet the university’s expenses.
  4. Students who live in border areas.
  5. Students achieving top grades.


  1. The rules and requirements of university grants should be announced.
    • There are grants according to the requirements of both National and Private universities in 2017.
    • The Board of Trustees provide grants with 5% – 100% discount for the socially struggling class.
    • There are also grants for the outstanding students according to the total grade of High School.
    • The Golden Batch grants that are provided especially for the fresh students of Horus University.
  2. After submitting the applications for the university grants, the university makes a survey for the students who deserve the grants according to the previously mentioned criteria and then the names of the students are announced.

Rules of Granting

  1. The student should have graduated from the High School (Egyptian National School) in the same year of applying for the grants with a total grade that is suitable for the faculty which the student is applying for.
  2. If there is any Capabilities Test, the student should pass it in order to apply for the grants.
  3. Not applying for other national or private university.
  4. Taking into consideration the financial status of the student in order to be sure if he/she is able to afford the university expenses or not.
  5. The priority is always for the sons and daughters of both the Egyptian army and the Egyptian Police martyrs and those with special needs.
  6. There also some of the grants for the students from border governorates ( Marsa Matruh – North Sinai -South Sinai- El Wady Al Gadid-Aswan-El Bahr Alahmar)
  7. There are a number of grants for STEM schools outstanding graduates.
  8. After taking into consideration the previously mentioned rules, the priority always for the top-graded students.

Scholarships Required Documents

  1. Applying the required documents at the announced time.
  2. Completing the social research at the Students Support Office (SSO) to prove the student’s socio-economic status.
  3. In the light of announced conditions for scholarships, HUE board of trustees examines the presented documents of applicants and chooses the accepted applicants in each faculty.

Scholarships Admission Steps

  1. Applying the required documents at the announced time.
  2. Completing the social research at the Students Support Office (SSO) to prove the student’s socio-economic status.
  3. In the light of announced conditions for scholarships, HUE board of trustees examines the presented documents of applicants and chooses the accepted applicants in each faculty.

The Conditions for The Continued Scholarship

  1. Students receiving scholarship will maintain their scholarship so long as they maintain the commitment to excellence. The students support office (SSO) is responsible for following up the students’ academic level who receive scholarship to ensure their commitment to excellence.

Prof. Ibrahim Saber

Board of Trustees Chairman

welcome everybody who participates in building a future for our own country to help it take a considerably distinctive place among nations.

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